Product number: | CYN11092 |
Farben/colors/couleurs: | 1 |
Inhalt/content/contenu: | 104 |
Product information "Embroidery Design Alphabeth Sommerfrische"
A summery letter set in four different sizes that you can individually combine on your embroidery machine. There are no special characters!
Some software is also suitable, please test the letters that you can download in the download area below. There is no guarantee that all software versions on the market are compatible and that the letters can be loaded there!
- Size 1 has a base height of 25 mm and a maximum height of 40 mm
- Size 2 has a base height of 30 mm and a maximum height of 50 mm
- Size 3 has a base height of 38 mm and a maximum height of 60 mm
- Size 4 has a basic height of 45 mm and a maximum height of 70 mm
The data sheet PDF are not included, they blow up the data volume. If you still need it, please write to me.
Embroidery file for the embroidery machine in the following file formats:
With the file, you only acquire one right of use for the motif. Sabine Schulz - Cyncopia holds the rights to the files.
Many other questions, including the right of use, can be found in the terms and conditions and explained in the FAQ.
1 review
5 August 2022 10:17
Ganz, ganz toll !
Auch dieses Alphabet ist einfach nur großartig. Ich habe es schon etwas länger, habe es vor ca. 1 Jahr gekauft und es dann gestern endlich mal ausprobiert und bin hin und weg. Schade um die Zeit in der die Dateien nur auf meinem PC geschlummert haben. Das Alphabet ist toll :-).