Load, save and back up multiple times...
...these are the warnings of my IT expert husband again and again. I admit, sometimes it gets lost in the daily hustle and bustle and I don't do it as often as I should. But it's also my risk.
And that's where I come to you.
Please always download the files immediately after purchasing/paying.
You can certainly do this temporarily on your mobile phone, but it's better to do it on your computer or in your cloud. Ideally, you should then back up your files multiple times, e.g. on your computer, cloud and an external hard drive.
The files are theoretically available indefinitely, but as the shop system change 23/24 shows, in practice they may no longer be accessible.
The ability to download a file is the medium through which you gain access to your purchase file. This was possible at any time without restrictions after the purchase contract was concluded. You must load and save your files (you also put the bread roll at the bakery in your pocket and don't leave it on the counter). A website is not a secure storage medium. There can always be failures, changes or even closure of the shop.